Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Prom 2010 Themes

The prom committee has many major decisions to make regarding the special night. Among the most important is the prom theme. This decision is one of the first that needs to be made because the whole event depends on it. The theme is very important; it can make or break the feel of the prom. Thus, the committee needs to focus on coming up with a theme that can make the night memorable.

The first thing to do is to think of a general feel that you want to achieve. Do you want the night to be mysterious or fun, distinguished or carefree? This is the first step to deciding the prom theme. Some schools have a general and loose theme, while others adhere to the theme strictly by having the students’ attire and prom decorations (and everything in between) match the set guidelines. Regardless of the prom theme you choose, make sure it fits the students and school. After all, it should show your school in the best light and capture the essence of the student body.

As you brainstorm about the theme, be open to all suggestions. A solid prom theme will carry through the title, colors, decorations, and main song of the night. Make a list of all ideas that the prom committee comes up with and make sure you also consider the ideas other students offer. Keep your mind open. Think of favorite songs and movies, in order to come up with ideas. You never know when a good idea might hit you. Make sure you do not copy previous themes that were recently used. Further, always make sure that the theme fits the venue. Try to make the night believable by having the perfect theme for the venue and students. Remember that some halls lend themselves to a certain themes more than others. Further, always choose a theme that is easy to create. Make sure that you would locate decorations and accessories that would match it. A good idea would be to look through prom dress catalogs. These might help you find inspiration and direction.

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